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Thomson House School

Thomson House School

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About Us


School policies cover every aspect of school life. Our policies address the practical implications of how to achieve the school's vision and are a key means of ensuring that agreed values underpin day-to-day decisions and actions in our school.  

Our statutory policies can be seen below and some of our most important discretionary policies are also shared on this page. If you would like to explore a policy that is not listed, or would like to request paper copies of any documents, please email the school office at

  1. THS Accessibility Policy & Plan March 2024 - 2025PDF File

  2. THS Admissions Policy Feb 2024 - 2025PDF File

  3. THS Appraisal and Capability Procedures May 2023 - 2026PDF File

  4. THS Attendance Policy April 2023-26PDF File

  5. THS Behaviour Policy Oct 2023 - 2024 PDF File

  6. THS Charging and Remissions Policy Nov 2023 - Oct 2024PDF File

  7. THS Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2023 - 2024PDF File

  8. THS Community Use and Lettings Policy Feb 2023-2026PDF File

  9. THS Complaints Policy Oct 2021-2024PDF File

  10. THS Data Protection & Freedom of Information Policy - March 2024-2025PDF File

  11. THS ECT Policy 2023 - 2024PDF File

  12. THS Equality Policy and Objectives Feb 2023-2026PDF File

  13. THS Exclusion Policy 2023-2024 PDF File

  14. THS EYFS Policy Oct 2023 -2024PDF File

  15. THS Health and Safety Policy March 2024 - 2025PDF File

  16. THS Inclusion Policy 2024-2025 PDF File

  17. THS Medical First Aid Policy 2023-2025PDF File

  18. THS Monitoring and Evaluation Policy Oct 2023-2024PDF File

  19. THS Online Safety Policy Feb 2024 - 2025PDF File

  20. THS Outdoor Off-site Learning Policy Feb 2022-2026PDF File

  21. THS Premises Management and Security Policy Mar 2023-2026PDF File

  22. THS Preventing Extremism Policy 2023 - 2024PDF File

  23. THS Protection of Biometric Information of Children Policy Oct 2023-24PDF File

  24. THS RSE Policy Oct 2023 - 2024PDF File

  25. THS Safer Recruitment Policy Feb 2024-2025PDF File

  26. THS SEND Information Report April 2024 - 2025PDF File

  27. THS Strategic Development Plan 2023-2024 - Executive SummaryPDF File

  28. THS Whistle Blowing and Low Level Concerns Policy Feb 2024 - 2025PDF File