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Thomson House School

Thomson House School

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Friends of Thomson House

Our aim is to foster excellent relations between staff, parents and others associated with the school, to support the school, to build a strong local community and to advance the education of every child at the school.  All parents, carers and staff members automatically become members of the FOTH on the day their involvement with the school begins.

The FOTH isn’t just about raising money for the school, our aim is far wider than that, and has the education and development of our children at the heart of everything we do. We aim to expand upon this in the future as we welcome new parents into our school year-on-year. We are always looking for input and suggestions on what else we can do to support our fabulous school and everyone is encouraged to get involved in whatever way they can.


We aim not to be just ‘another’ PTA - we are young, we are open, we are welcoming, we are commited, we are Friends Of Thomson House.